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Thread: Protection against hacking programs

  1. #1
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    Protection against hacking programs

    I do not know if it is a good idea to ask here so I will ask how to protect myself from kali linux and other systems, programs and hacking tools, what ports should be blocked as generally as possible to protect against them because antiviruses and firewalls are not enough, although I would like to mention that i never used kali linux or parrot OS so please understand

    I would like to ask how I should secure the network in terms of network security, I have blocked ports such as TCP and UDP 135 ~ 139, 445, 1234, 3389 and 5555. What other ports should I additionally block to protect my home network? When it comes to wifi, I have WPA3 secured

    I would like to ask how to secure your computer, how to protect your BIOS against various attacks, what should be blocked to prevent an attacker from accessing the BIOS, how to protect HDD and SSD disks from the possibility of attacking the disk, I read that there are tools in Linux that can should I block and is this option generally available ?? and how to protect CPU and RAM?

  2. #2
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    Lets be realistic, the only guaranteed 100% 'safe' device is one that is never connected to anything else, ever.. but that's not particularly useful in this day and age is it?

    Kali, Parrot or any other Pen Testing distribution, are only tools, and whilst they contains programmes to help you 'hack' networks etc, WPA3 wireless using strong passwords (length 12 - 16 characters) cannot easily be cracked by brute force, whilst theoretically possible, with 12 digit or longer passwords it starts to take ridiculous amounts of time, 12 digits would take hundreds of years to guess all possible permutations, add to this the fact that WPA3 won't allow you to try more than a single password a time and it really ceases to be a problem.

    I am sure you have noted yourself the rise in phishing emails, it is still in many cases easier to fool a person into revealing log in information than it is to 'hack' into a system, especially as many users share far too much on social media that can help a hacker build a picture of someone they want to target.

    As for blocking ports, most home operating systems these days don't expose very much, often they use UPnP to open ports as needed and they close them after use. Most hacking is done against companies, there are several reasons for this, financial gain being an obvious one, but from a hackers perspective, they often have several services on their network used for monitoring and controlling that can with some work be manipulated, and these services are rarely ever running on home systems unless someone set them up, SNMP and RDP for example.

    Set your firewall to reject all incoming traffic that wasn't initiated from inside your network, also set the firewall so the first time anything wants to connect to the internet it has to ask you for permission, and change all of your password log ins to use 2 factor authentication where possible, i.e you have to authorise things on a second device like your phone thats uses Biometrics for example.

    As for the dvice itself, set USB ports to not 'automatically open apps' i.e. when you insert a USB the device 'does nothing' unless you ask it too, it doesn't even mount. BIOS attacks are not easy, and generally you need access to the actual device to do anything there, so keep your device secure when its not with you!

    Of course no matter how careful you are about it, following malicious links can compromise your device pretty quickly, Lets just say that Windows is a target for a reason... Thats why they make Anti Virus tools for it..

    Wearing Tin foil hat... check.... disconected device from network.... check....

  3. #3
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    I would also like to ask if it is possible to copy a given text, e.g. "dsdwefwefkwnf" after pressing ctrl + c, is it possible to intercept it before it is pasted by me, e.g. into notepad, is there such a tool to intercept a given text from the keyboard and is it possible to enter clipboard to an unauthorized user even if the clipboard is locked

    When it comes to attacks on the BIOS, I have a suspicion that someone could have hacked into the BIOS, but I have no proof of this, so is it possible to block the remote BIOS from an unauthorized user

    And is it possible to protect the drive from scanning the contents of the file against an unauthorized user, how to block it so that no one, for example, downloads something from the drive and uses it against me

    What other ports should be blocked from hacking what else should be done??

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