hello i got trouble with
1d3290d51cab82c3dd0005235e81959ebc9784dd7247e2e848 38fcee75b65611 kali-linux-2022.3-installer-arm64.iso
on UTM Virtual Machine on a M1 Macbook
once can sayed ... enought ram , processor cores , virtual harddisk space ... but no luck with boot from iso image to install
the live iso (kali-linux-2022.3-live-arm64.iso) work fine and no trouble with shasum check
maybe can it be that i made it terrible worng with UTM? or had any one else the same troubles?
here the screenshots ...n i hung on black screen
Bildschirm?foto 2022-11-16 um 14.09.35.jpgBildschirm?foto 2022-11-16 um 14.08.56.jpg
greets florit