I don't have paid internet right now so I'm using a open hotspot that is the only internet I can use that's reliable and has decent speed.
I know the risks.
I'm trying to use a easy firewall so I tried ufw.
While setting up everything seems ok until I try using my Asus ac66u using Merlin firmware.
I'm using internet connection sharing
from eth0 to router wan
I tried opening common ports and even tried adding rules to allow the IP from router for the inbound connection to see if I could get it working.
It's a no go I can't use my Xbox raspberry pi or phone for inbound connections to Kali Linux through ufw firewall.
Does anyone have any suggestions on to where I could get started or a forum that would help me if this one can't I don't know where to turn I tried a few different support sites but everybody tells me Kali Linux isn't meant for that.
I know what Kelly lynx is for but I also use it as an everyday OS I just want to support it and secure it, if somebody has any recommendations on a different firewall that works better that's free and open source that I can easily build from a Deb file or an easy install process let me know please.