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Thread: Nvidia 460 gtx install driver + nvidia-settings black screen

  1. #1
    Join Date

    Nvidia 460 gtx install driver + nvidia-settings black screen

    thank u for the great forum support here,
    i got a new computer, installed kali and everything perfectly,
    got to the nvidia driver, too much info and different ways on the web, i got lost but one of the ways actually worked,
    think the driver got installed correctly, but i got this massage
    the nvidia driver is not yet configured it needs to be enabled in xorg.conf before it can be used

    anyway i rebooted, graphics seemed to get better,
    then i installed nvidia-settings using apt-get install
    black screen
    tried everything to fix it including deleting xorg.conf file, didn't work because there was no xorg.conf file at etc/*/X11/

    anyway i reinstalled kali linux,

    i used this

    after i stopped the gnome interface using /etc/init.d/gdm3 stop
    installed nvidia
    i log in into the single user page, not gnome

    the following code:
    /etc/init.d/gdm3 start

    fail starting gnomr fisplay manager: gdm3 failed!

    now i'm lost
    Last edited by zero-z; 2013-04-04 at 12:52.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    after smashing the keyboard with every code i see,
    remove power plug,
    it worked, thanks for reading this

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Hey please tell me how did you do to make it work i got exactly the same problem, i installed nvidia drivers and now i don't get the gdm3 ( in fact the reason when you type gdm3 start it fails it's because it's already started!! I tried gdm3 stop and then gdm3 start and it worked, but i still get a blank screen). So please help it's been 5 days that i'm stuck on this!!!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    I used this:

    It worked once I followed the directions completely and correctly. I did it wrong a couple times (missed a step) and it did what yours is doing. Also, make sure you get the newest nvidia driver from nvidia since the older ones from the beginning of the year had issues.

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