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Thread: Kali Live USB working fine with encrypted persistence but "no space left" when doing upgrade

  1. #1
    Join Date

    Kali Live USB working fine with encrypted persistence but "no space left" when doing upgrade

    Hi everyone,

    I just try to find out how to update my Kali USB stick because I have a 256 GB stick where "dd-ed" the image to and also I managed to configure encrypted persistence without problems. However as the partition where the image is install or written to is only 8 GB automatically there is not enough space to upgrade. However, as for adding persistence I had to add another volume, I assume that any update to the root partition will not be persistent. That's why I expected the update to use the persistence disk which it obviously does not. Can anyone explain this properly and also tell me how I can use the stick while keeping the image up-to-date? Any help appreciated.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    If you have a 256GB stick for Kali, then use another USB stick with a Kali installer image on (not the live version), boot fro it, and then you can properly install Kali to your 256GB stick just like you would install an OS to a disk, then Kali can use the whole drive and be fully updateable as you are expecting!

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