I am trying to install NetHunter Rootless on my Galaxy J1 Mini Prime running Android 6. On the Kali Linux site, it was written that I should install Termux, NetHunter Kex and Hacker's Keyboard. I also installed all these programs from NetHunter Store and entered Thermux( I installed termux version 0.118.0). Because I had to enter some commands in Termux and NetHunter would be installed. But when I entered Thermux, I encountered a text like this:
[Process completed (code 1) - press Enter]
Despite this text, I could not type anything, and I would exit the program by pressing Enter. I read on the internet that to fix this problem, hold on New Session and then click on FAILSAFE, so I did the same. But when I typed anything on this page and entered, I was faced with the Not Found error.
Please help me to install NetHunter Rootless successfully. Sorry that my text was a bit bad because I had translated it.
With Respect