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Thread: Fresh install of Kali "Everything" 64bit, ClamAV says I'm infected.

  1. #1
    Join Date

    Fresh install of Kali "Everything" 64bit, ClamAV says I'm infected.

    Hello group,

    I know Kali is for pentesting and had exploits and junk contained within the installation... I'm not surprised that ClamAV says I have 1371 infected files on a fresh clean install, only upgraded and the TP-Link WiFi drivers and NVIDIA drivers installed.

    My question is, since there are "viruses" on my system, how can I run ClamAV in the future to scan for viruses that may have maliciously infected my system? Is there a way to exclude the "kali included exploit viruses" during a ClamScan so the scan only detects something that is NOT suppose to be there?



  2. #2
    Join Date
    the av is a tool to use on other machines, not your own kali install... it aint windows..

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Take your fresh install and list everything safe. If you get warnings from a new download or random then start looking at where it?s at and what it is.

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