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Thread: E3004: This package is for device: angler; this device is .

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Indianapolis, Indiana

    E3004: This package is for device: angler; this device is .

    Hi, I'm trying to Flash LineageOS 17.1 on my Nexus 6P. I've had LineageOS 17.1 and Nethunter. Rooted. Before. I want to wipe everything and Flash LineageOS 17.1. I'm in Recovery. I was trying Nexus Root Toolkit. Instead of adb and Terminal on Windows 11. I wiped and Formatted. Now I need to Flash the OS. I tried using Nexus Root Toolkit. It tried pushing LineageOS to Device. Then it temporarily booted to TWRP. 3.2.x. Because that's what the Toolkit uses. I know I need to use TWRP 3.3.1 or newer. For LineageOS 17.1. It was stuck for an hour in 3.2.xx. So I closed Nexus Root Toolkit. And tried installing from Recovery. I think I interrupted Nexus Root Toolkit. I can see my Nexus 6P Storage on my PC. In Recovery. So I copied LineageOS 17.1 to sdcard. When I try to Install, I get the error:

    "E3004: This package is for device: angler; this device is ."

    I read the problem is the Recovery is too old. And to Update TWRP. I can't update TWRP because I have no OS and it will Soft Brick. (If it reboots.) Then I found the Solution below...

    I tried:

    "getprop ro.product.device"

    It shows "Angler." Correct. Then I tried:

    "setprop ro.product.device angler"

    (Using the Terminal in TWRP. 3.2.x.) I still get the above error. Then I tried editing "META-INF/com/google/android/updater-script." On Windows. It says to Delete:

    "assert(getprop("ro.product.device") == "angler" || getprop("") == "angler" || abort("E3004: This package is for device: angler; this device is " + getprop("ro.product.device") + ".");"

    I see "getprop("ro.product.device") == "angler"." and "E3004: This package is for device: angler; this device is." There's the Error when Trying to Flash LineageOS 17.1. So my guess is, if I remove that Line, it won't check the version (angler.) And continue flashing. The problem is, I'm supposed to use 7zip to extract the "META-INF/com/google/android/updater-script."
    And edit with Notepad++. That sounds complicated to me. I tried editing with Notepad. On Windows. I'm not sure what to delete... Should I leave "assert();"? At the top of the file? Or delete the entire line? Above? Then copy it to the LineageOS 17.1 zip? And Flash. I'm still getting the error. I think the problem is I'm not using 7zip and Notepad++. I don't know much about 7zip other than to unzip 7z and rar.

    So, can anyone tell me a way to Flash lineageOS 17.1? Can I update the Recovery without rebooting? No Soft Brick? It says "No OS. Are you sure you want to reboot"? I say no. So I'm stuck in Recovery. TWRP 3.2.x. I tried Stock Angler. Same error. Can't flash from recovery. And what about "META-INF/com/google/android/updater-script." Can anyone Download LineageOS 17.1 zip and edit it? I'll Paste the Download Link. XDA. Unofficial. I don't know how to use an Editor. Besides Windows Notepad. I can download a Copy of the OS with the edited update-script. If someone will give me a Link. After Editing. Please reply. Thanks in advance

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Indianapolis, Indiana
    Hi, I'm back... Can anyone instruct me on how to use Notepad++? And extract the file from the LineageOS 17.1 zip? I don't think I extract the actual zip. Just the file I'm trying to edit. With a text editor. Does anyone have a Link? To Instructions. Or does anyone have a fix for this Error? Can anyone edit the file for me?

    **I'm guessing, all I have to do is remove the "check for angler" line and it won't check. I already know it works with Angler. So, it'll just skip the check and flash. And Install.**

    I need to know how to extract the file with 7zip and Edit the file with Notepad++. Then reinsert the file. And Flash. Or can anyone do it for me? Then upload and give me a link. To Download. Please reply. Thanks!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Indianapolis, Indiana
    Basically, I'm stuck in an old Recovery. If I reboot it will Soft Brick the phone. I can't do anything. I'll wait for a reply. Thanks again

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Your asking about flashing a LineageOS rom on the Kali forum, you need to be asking on the Lineage site..
    You can use adb to push the correct TWRP image to the device,

    7zip works well and can properly unpack a rom image, and repack it after alterations

    Notepad on windows isn't used because it won't respect the correct line endings, and will actually change them (the carriage returns are incorrect for a Linux image)
    Notepadd++ will write the file correctly.

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