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Thread: MultiBoot Windows 8 / Kali Linux 1.0.3 - Stuck on Grub Loading

  1. #1
    Join Date

    MultiBoot Windows 8 / Kali Linux 1.0.3 - Stuck on Grub Loading

    Hello everyone,

    I've tried to install Kali on multiboot with Windows 8, the install was a success, I have followed the thread on docs.kali. Both OS were booting successfully.
    When I went back on Windows 8, I’ve done an anti-virus scan with Microsoft Security Essential and then, at reboot, I got stuck on “Grub Loading”.
    Let’s have a look on my actual configuration:
    - 1 SSD -> Windows 8 / Kali Linux
    - 2 HDD with RAID 0 -> My Data
    How can I fix that problem ?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    What do you mean by stuck on “Grub Loading” ?

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