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Thread: LVM boot problems after successful install

  1. #1
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    Angry LVM boot problems after successful install

    Hi all, I recently built a new machine and installed kali on my new SSD. Install went perfect(graphical install) and setup the drive to be LVM. After install my computer booted fine and I preceded to update all the kali packages accordingly. Once Kali was updated and fully functional on my SSD I rebooted my machine and chose to boot from the DVD-drive to install Windows 8 on a SEPARATE HDD. Windows 8 was installed successfully and when the computer reboots the GRUB screen doesn't show up and I am stuck with a blinking white cursor and a black screen. I have tried changing the boot order in bios to have the SSD with kali be #1 and windows #2 and every other possible combination and none of them revives the grub screen. If i hit f12 I can choose which bootable drives are available and both my HDD's show up but the black screen comes up no matter what every time I try to boot into kali now. I can successfully boot into windows 8 through the f12 screen, but not kali. I assume something in BIOS fugged the grub config but after trying 2 separate fresh installs only to end up with the same problem, I need your guys help! I also tried to use easyBCD inw windows to try and boot the drive, but the smae thing happens if I select the kali drive in the windows boot loader. Thanks for reading!
    The mobo I am using is this one: GA-890FXA-UD5 with an AMD FX 8350

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Assuming your PC is not EFI, it sounds like you installed windows 8 after Kali right? I think what may have happened is Windows 8 tried to install its own bootloader over grub and that's what is causing your problem. If so, I believe just reinstalling grub will fix your issue. You can use the live CD/USB of kali to do it. Here's a good page that describes a method to repair the grub,

    Oh wait, I just read you encrypted your drive, I don't know if this method will work or not .
    Fact, Science and the Pursuit of Knowledge. Working to secure your networks from threats; Outside and Within.

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