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Thread: Need help fast plz, eth0 Wired connection to router with Wifi antenna on it.

  1. #1
    Join Date

    Need help fast plz, eth0 Wired connection to router with Wifi antenna on it. I have this and the ALCON white box acts as a router that i am wired into. The router page scan shows i have connections that are WEP security. My wired connection is working perfect. its just how do i begin cracking the connections though my router page?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Well the problem I was having is getting my Chip Set though this Router thing. I did just order a Alfa so now it will work fine lol I was looking everywhere for people cracking though wired connection but all i could find is USB.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Your computer needs to have direct control of the wireless interface - this would not be the case with the wireless interface of a wireless router that your computer is connected to via an ethernet cable.

    I'm not familiar with your ALCON device, but it's very very unlikely that you'd be able to do what your asking for.

    You should have more luck with a USB device, as your computer will have direct control of the wireless interface.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Yes I agree, Apparently wont let me get into the chipset or whatever :/

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