I bought the Alfa Network AWUS036H off eBay, when I am using airodump it is only getting data from the networks I have connected to in the past, is there something wrong with my card?
I bought the Alfa Network AWUS036H off eBay, when I am using airodump it is only getting data from the networks I have connected to in the past, is there something wrong with my card?
Mine does the same thing. It only reads the data of the network I'm connected to. Just disconnect from all networks and re run it
disconnect from all wifi
airmon-ng start wlan3
airodump-ng mon0
Glad to see I am not the only one with the problem, just wanted to see if I had a problem with my card as I would be returning it to the seller, thanks for the fast responce, just about to go and try that now, and will report back if it is still not working, thank you d4rkcat.
Windows is easier to use, but the support with Linux is outstanding
Just ran it again, and I was still only able to see data from me and my neighbours internet, there is a list of about 5 different ap's and I am only getting data for two of them, i ran it for about 20 minutes and got 600 data from my network, and 500 from my neighbours, i also got 1 from another ap, but that was it, is there something wrong with my card?
It's probably working fine, as long as you can see data packets from multiple BSSID's and channels it sounds ok.
You can scan individual channels by typing:
airodump-ng mon0 -c 8
or a range:
airodump-ng mon0 -c 6-11
Or one AP :
airodump-ng mon0 -c 8 --bssid 00:00:00:00:00:00 (BSSID)
you can test your card with:
aireplay-ng --test mon0
Thanks for getting back to me, Iet airodump-ng run on my computer for 4 hours and 47 minutes and this is what it found:
I am sorry I had to cover up some of the infomation, I had to cover up some of the ESSID's as they were displaying confidential infomation and it would not be right to share, and I covered up part of the BSSIDs as I am not sure how much they matter as I am a noob, I hope this is enough infomation to help, if not let me know and I will provide more upon reqest, I also ran that line that tests my card and this is what I got back.CH 2 ][ Elapsed: 4 hours 47 mins ][ 2013-09-03 17:22
00:**:A5:**:BA:** -32 23027 13765 0 6 54e WPA TKIP PSK ********
00:24:B2:5B:6E:4B -51 16650 6288 0 6 54 WPA TKIP PSK *********
00:24:A5:6F:31:D2 -73 8852 99 0 6 54 WPA TKIP PSK ************
DC:9F:DB:08:20:23 -72 1859 9 0 1 54e. WPA2 CCMP PSK *********-10964
12:03:D8:01:A7:EA -73 3720 0 0 1 54e. OPN BTWiFi-with-FON
7C:4C:A5:2F:70:91 -73 1246 2 0 11 54e WPA2 CCMP PSK SKY*******
00:16:01:DF:C4:4F -73 1675 32 0 11 54e WPA TKIP PSK ********** NEW
02:03:D8:01:A7:EA -74 3932 0 0 1 54e. OPN BTWiFi
00:03:D8:01:A7:EA -74 2853 93 0 1 54e. WPA2 CCMP PSK BTHub3-******
BSSID STATION PWR Rate Lost Frames Probe
(not associated) 00:C0:CA:******** 0 0 - 1 0 3331
(not associated) 84:4B:F5:5******** -33 0 - 1 59 17150
00:24:A5:6F****** 44:D8:84******** -38 54e-54 974 349 *******,_The Cloud,McDonald's Free WiFi,******
00:24:A5:6F:***** 14:74:11:******** -41 54e-11e 0 32646 *******
00:24:A5:6F:***** 7C:ED:8D:******** -45 54e-54e 83 5578 ******
00:24:A5:6F:****** 00:21:27:******* -58 54 - 1 216 1334
00:24:B2:5B:***** 28:6A:BA:******** -30 24 -48 34 484 *********, ********
00:24:B2:5B:***** 1C:C6:3C:******** -56 24 - 1 18 4769
00:24:B2:5B:***** 34:BB:1F:******** -72 24 -11 0 219 ********
00:24:B2:5B:***** 00:1D:73:******** -73 24 - 2 0 95 *********
00:16:01:DF:****** 60:A4:4C:******** -1 1e- 0 0 1
00:16:01:DF:****** 00:C6:10:******** -1 1e- 0 0 7
Again I covered up part of the BSSID as I am unsure of how confidential this is.aireplay-ng --test mon0
17:23:23 Trying broadcast probe requests...
17:23:24 No Answer...
17:23:24 Found 1 AP
17:23:24 Trying directed probe requests...
17:23:25 02:03:********:EA - channel: 1 - 'BTWiFi'
17:23:31 0/30: 0%
Thank you for helping out with my problem, I find it quite were how it will get packets from networks I have connected to on my laptop before, but is getting a very small number of packets in comparrison of the networks I havent connected to before.
Thank you
Bumping this thread as no response
Like d4rkcat said, you need to specify the target AP. You should have something like this. airodump-ng mon0 -c X --bssid XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX -w outputfile. In this case, mon0 is your interface for capturing data in monitor mode, -c X is the channel (replace x with the desired channel), --bssid specifies the bssid to capture data from, and -w outputfile is the name of the file to run aircrack against. you can change "outputfile" to whatever you want. Also, keep in mind that you won't get data is the network is not active.
One additional step I add between airmon-ng and airodump-ng: if airmon-ng gives me warnings about specific processes that may interfere, I kill them. Sometimes this makes a difference, sometimes it doesn't. But I've never regretted it. DHCP is the most common process I'm warned about. YMMV.
Good luck!