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Thread: WiFi Pineapple like with Raspbbery Pi and Kali - Slow speed

  1. #1
    Join Date

    Question WiFi Pineapple like with Raspbbery Pi and Kali - Slow speed

    Hi all,

    Since does not ship to my country I decided to make my own WiFi pineapple. I wrote following two scripts

    echo Creating Bridge
      brctl addbr BR1
    echo Setting bridge ip and up the interface
      ifconfig BR1 up
    echo Adding eth0 to bridge
      brctl addif BR1 eth0
    echo Start wireless interface in monitoring mode
      airmon-ng start wlan0
    echo Start accepting probes
      airbase-ng -P -C 30 -v mon0
    Running the second script in another terminal since the first one is busy with airbase-ng

    echo Adding wireless interface to Bridge
     ifconfig at0 up
     brctl addif BR1 at0

    This all works great. However, throughput of this is not greater than 500kbit/s. I believe that a 700 Mhz cpu should easily handle this throughput.

    Do you guys have any idea about why I am getting so low speeds?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    I think this is what you called "the quieter you become the more you are able to hear" thich meand " I read the thread but I am so lazy to give you a reply"


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