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Thread: fault in git repository

  1. #1
    Join Date

    fault in git repository

    Hey Kali Linux Dev Team and co-users,

    there is an issue with the git repository that is given @

    it doesn't exist (anymore).
    I was gone use that as a base for my future research/development into ARM architecture.
    unfortunatly far from usefull...

    so, maybe there are those among my co-users that can/will help me out.
    would like an ARM toolchain for my ebook reader, which uses a Samsung ARM11 (ARM1176ZJF)
    the source files used are busybox, cairo, expat, u-boot, linux-kernel, free-type, libjpeg, libiconv, libpng, m-tools, newlib and zlib.
    somehow, these need to co-operate into a very nice toolchain.
    However, haven't figured out after about a week of researching, reading and try-outs.
    would like to withhold from using a pre-build tool. These is little to learn there.
    but with all the information online, to much and mostly insufficient, outdated or plain faulty.
    Have tried over and over, but ran into either issues that where to difficult to handle (my knowledge is mediocre, but i try hard)
    or screwed up the kali linux installation on my laptop.
    Eventually had to reinstall my laptop (previous night)
    so, here we are. Asking for some help.

    Anyone feeling to help out?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    I am on the same boat,
    # git clone git://
    Cloning into 'arm-eabi-linaro-4.6.2'...
    fatal: remote error:
    Repository not found.
    I want to blend Kali and Cyanogenmod into one flashable zip, ok maybe one flashable zip and an image that would be hidden in /storage/sdcard0/.ksystem.image

    Basically I want to modify the iinit.rc script to mount Kali into place and maybe start some deamons, I found that mounting the image on loop and the binding the directories to Android's / works just fine, I need to modify some permissions so that postgresql can open up sockets, this get prevented by "paranoid" I a believe.

    I guess the kernel isn't as important but it would be nice to see the differences between this Kernel and the one that builds with Cyanogenmod.

    Is it something done wrong on our part or is this affecting everyone,

    big bummer

    I hope it comes up soon. I can wait a week or so I guess and get busy with other things.

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