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Thread: Raspberry Pi Image (Custom Cross-Compiled Kernel w/IPTables support)

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    Raspberry Pi Image (Custom Cross-Compiled Kernel w/IPTables support)

    Due to reasons that will remain my own I need to have IPTables support in the Rasperberry Pi image of Kali (really loving this distro btw). The research I have performed so far indicates that I will need to recompile the kernel in order to have this functionality (modules seem to be static). This is something I have never done before, but I am keen to learn......

    The cookbooks for Raspberry Pi images kindly provided in the Kali documentation:

    So these materials raise a few interesting questions....

    1. Due to the high disk space requirements for cross-compilation has anybody had good experiences using EC2 to get the compilation done faster? How long will the actual compile take?

    2. It doesn't say in the documentation how to actually configure the kernel prior to the compile. Where does the magic happen?

    3. I am unsure specifically of what modules I will need. I am aiming for a fully functional router so some advice on that would be very helpful....

    4. If I do compile my own kernel, and create my own image, will this cause any issues with updating the O/S?

    5. I am assuming its possible to have an image with multiple kernels in it......would this route be more elegant?

    6. Lastly, does anybody have any good resources available on where I can actually learn more about this process? The Kali docs and the Raspberry Pi docs are nice, but I would rather know more general theory about what I am doing....
    Last edited by Binary Overlord; 2013-11-05 at 03:09. Reason: Corrected a few typos.

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