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Thread: Static Routing Question

  1. #1
    Join Date

    Lightbulb Static Routing Question

    So here I am, away from home for the holidays, and I find myself randomly thinking (as I frequently do), wondering if I can figure a way to directly scan my internal network at home. I can remote manage my router, but what I want to do is set up a static route, pointing to my home router if say I want to send traffic to SO I want all traffic to the .2 to be sent to my home router, going through my default gw of course, but destined to my home commercial IP instead of a the 1.2 here.

    Is that possible and does this even make sense? I pretty much want to route as if I am behind my home router, but connected wirelessly at my girlfriends house. I don't have any boxes at home online that I can remote into, just one's that I can "touch". Is this possible?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Possible by setting up port forwarding in your home router as you can't route private range over internet. So, you'll be sending traffic to x.x.x.x:yyyy where x.x.x.x is your home router's public ip address and yyyy is the destination port. You'll have to set up a port forwarding in your home router so that all traffic received on port yyyy in external interface is forwarded to via internal interface. Hope this helps.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    It almost sounds like you are describing a perfect example usage for a Home VPN setup...
    Fact, Science and the Pursuit of Knowledge. Working to secure your networks from threats; Outside and Within.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Thanks. I guess I was really tired when I posted this. I'll look into the VPN setups, but for now I'll use the solution blackMORE posted....this was probably the wrong place to post this thread though as it isn't really kali related...thanks though!

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