A wordlist generator that I have been working on but finally got the time to finish it...i might think of adding some more features if i have enough time.
adstar v1.0 wordlist generator. Created by: repzeroworld
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optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-o [OUTPUT_PATH] Path to output wordlist. -o without a value will
result in output to terminal.
-b BEGINING_OF_WORD example '-b repzero' will place 'repzero' at the
beginning of each word generated'
-e END_OF_WORD example '-e repzero' will place 'repzero' at the end
of each word generated.
no. of times to repeat a character,e.g, '-r 2' will
generate all combination of words INCLUDING words with
each character being repeated a maximum of 2 times.
Mandatory/Required Arguments:
-s STRING string of characters to make wordlist
from,EXAMPLE1:'-s abcd' will generate a wordlist
containing characters'a','b','c' 'and'
'd'.EXAMPLE2:'-s 'my name is repzero'' will generate
all combinations with the strings 'my', 'name', 'is'
and 'repzero'.
-l WORD_LENGTH length of words in word in wordlist,EXAMPLE: '-l 4'
will generate words that are 4 characters in length