I have a Alfa AWUS036NH which I'm trying to configure on Kali (Linux LINUX 3.7-trunk-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.7.2-0+kali8 x86_64 GNU/Linux). Kali is configured on it's own partition following the directions from this site to dual boot with Windows. From
this thread someone mentioned that Kali should recognize this adapter and just plug and play. I wasn't able to get it to work after shutting down wlan0, and ensuring wlan1 was up. I did a dhclient wlan1 to renew my IP settings, and I still couldn't ping my gateway.
I figured I'd try to download and install the drivers and this has only confused me even more. The linux drivers that I found from
www.alfa.com.tw/download.php (Product Category-Indoor wireless, Model-AWUS036NH, Type of File-Driver) were labled 2011_0719_RT3070_RT3370_RT5370_RT5372_Linux_STA_V2 .5.0.3_DPO and dated May 21, 2013. I presume these are updates to the one that is on the CD, rtl8192_8188CU_linux_v3.0.2164.20110715.tar.gz. I did not see a folder specific to a AWUS036NH. The closest name was 036NHR, so I assume it should still be the one for my USB adapter.
When I attempted to follow along the poorly written directions from Alfa's site to setup the drivers, running the Make command generated the following output: make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop.
If anyone can provide some better guidance to the directions I've re-written below that would be very helpful.
1. Download the 3070 Linux driver to your platform
2. Open Terminal
3. Make; type "sudo make", enter root password
4. After Make finish and Modify Blacklist.conf; Type "sudo insmod rt2870sta.ko", Type "cd /etc/modprobe.d/"
5. Insert "blacklist rt2800usb in button of blacklist.conf (I believe they mean edit the blacklist.conf file and place blacklist rt2800usb at the bottom of the text); Type keyboard "a", page down to file button, keyin string "blacklist rt2800usb", Type keyboard "Esc"
**personal thought- What the heck was the last 4 lines supposed to do?!?

6. Save; Type ":", Type "wq!", Enter
10. Now, Reboot
**personal thought- Where did steps 7, 8, and 9 go??

11. After reboot you can plug in WLAN adapter to USB port.
Clearly these directions were not edited well, if at all.