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Thread: Dual Boot Install of Kali and Windows 8 - Bad Install - How next to proceed?

  1. #1
    Join Date

    Dual Boot Install of Kali and Windows 8 - Bad Install - How next to proceed?

    I am new to this forum and hope you can help. My son attempted to install Kali as a dual boot on a new Windows 8 PC. He does not remember which partition he installed it to, and when he gets to select either Windows 8 or Debian GNU/Linux - continue with the install process. So, it seems that something went wrong during the install. He then gets the following error File g21dr.mbr Status 0xc000000f. It continues to say that The application or operating system couldn't be loaded due to a missing file.

    This PC has both a SSD and HDD. Ideally, I would like to load Windows on SSD and Kali on HDD. I don't know what partition he attempted the install on. If I attempt to reinstall, will I be adding yet another partition?

    I could really use your help.

    Thank you,

  2. #2
    Join Date
    trichy,tn, INDIA
    Had he installed grub recovery ?

  3. #3
    Join Date


    Quote Originally Posted by kartic_iyer View Post
    Had he installed grub recovery ?
    I am not sure, how would I tell?

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