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Thread: Tired of Gnome?!>NEWly Updated 1.0.6 Xfce4 Kali iso BUILD for ALL PCs! Download here!

  1. #1
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    Lightbulb Tired of Gnome?!>NEWly Updated 1.0.6 Xfce4 Kali iso BUILD for ALL PCs! Download here!

    ABOUT download [as of this time of this writing, I am uploading the file into my google drive shared folder and currently at 22%, so if you are downloading it Now as I time this, please add 2 hours to your delay before downloading as I am still uploading it. If you are reading this few hours after this post has been made, ignore this warning as the iso should be fully ready for download using the link below. BUT -- if for any reason the link or download doesn't work AND it HAS been atleast 2 hours after the time of this posting, then please let me know ASAP here ! Thanks for understanding
    ALSO +++ jungletek
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Originally Posted by cjtron
    ]=====INSTALLER FIx issues others noticed on original iso and that means this iso as well!! ATTENTION DO NOT USE THE GRAPHICAL INSTALLER=====
    SOlved by; don't use the graphical installer, it never works ;/
    Took me few tries to figure out the graphical installer option is a fail itself lol

    Confirmed that this worked for me, after several different attempts to install that all failed. Tried the various differing partition schemes, thinking it was related, but in the end it seems to be some sort of an issue with the graphical installer.

    DOWNLOAD LINK >=---> *REMOVED* or go to >=---> *REMOVED*

    Alternative download >=--> *REMOVED* or copy *REMOVED*

    LXDE iso has been added aswell to the shared folder in the link above;;
    Note for LXDE iso:
    Added Openshot to the distro.

    Openshot --Video editing software


    Are you tired of the crappy gnome ?! Want a Kali on a lighter, faster, customizable Desktop environment !?
    Say Goodbye to Gnome and say hello to xfce4. No Gnome ! Let the gnomes go back in their caves, becouse its
    xfce4 Time !

    Below I am sharing with the Kali community my ISO BUILDS I updated with kali's updater before packing it all in.
    Tired of Kali being short on things it should have had ? Me too ! I got fed up with GNome, and their lack of some software...

    What IS inluded/packaged in this build and what it works on;
    - ---Works on OLD and NEW PCs [Pentiums 3 and up to the new modern Systems] Pentium 2 minimum required--- -

    ==INSTALLED EXTRA APPS== [things I believe kali should of had but doesn't or were missing]
    WEB tools
    - wicd --preinstalled for all your WI-fi needs and getting you up and running
    - Transmission -- for all your torrents you wish to download ?! And share?!
    - iceweasel
    - Adobe Flash --preinstalled and READY with iceweasel out-of-the-box

    Office tools
    - Abiword -- writer
    - Libreoffice --all ready for spreadsheets,drawing,and all your office needs
    -Orange Calendar --organizer with dates and appointments, etc...

    MEDIA tools
    - Vlc --media player that plays everything and never says no
    Graphics tools
    - guvcview -- easy, simple, fast WEBCAM application [alternative to cheese] lightweight and fully functional
    - Gimp --graphics [alternative and successor to photoshop]
    - Inkscape -- vector drawing tool

    ETC tools
    - Bleachbit --cleaning utility for all the junk your system gathers over time
    - htop -- monitoring system resource and processes
    - Gdebi -- easy way to install all your .deb packages you might download from the internet to install on your system
    - Wine --for running Windows applications on your linux box [set and pre-configured]
    - Unetbootin --making that USB flash drive bottable with linux of all kinds

    This Iso was created for you by Kali's user who felt that things needed to be included and also felt that GNome was unacceptable
    as a default DE for this splendidly AWESOME Debian linux spin for pen-testing-hacking and deserved to be remastered with xfce4
    and few extra apps with flash working out-of-the-box. Shared here with the community who feels the same about gnome.

    I hope you will find this ISO BUILD worthy of your download as it was worth my time making it come to light.
    I had 3 goals to make a new iso and which were these.

    1] It had to be lighter -xfce4 [check] --or the new lxde iso-- [check]
    2] Needed Flash working out of box by default and have a torrent application -adobe flash 11.2 + transmission [check]
    3] Needed it to work on all my pcs, not just the new ones [check and check]

    There you have it !
    Kali linux Xfce4 with all that's needed for everyday computing, hacking and testing.

    Kernel is non-pae for this reason and if you require more ram than 4 Gig then install a kernel with pae enabled using apt-get
    There are many tutorials on the web how to.

    Thank you for interest and I do hope this iso I am sharing will help someone
    As it stands, made by the users for the users, enjoy !

    Any suggestions? comments, please do leave a reply .

    We do not allow for pre-compiled images to be linked to. For more information, see here:
    Last edited by g0tmi1k; 2014-03-14 at 13:35. Reason: update to my files and added additions + new download link

  2. #2
    Join Date
    --The Xfce4 is again presend in the shared folder in the OP link for download once again.--

    Recently, I discovered Lxde and switched to that
    Lxde is lighter, faster, simple and works better for the Ideal of this os to be light and mean and quick !~

    Note for LXDE iso:
    Added Openshot to the distro.

    Openshot --Video editing software

    Last edited by cjtron; 2014-01-30 at 16:13. Reason: update to my shared folder

  3. #3
    Join Date
    lost in space
    Hi cjtron,

    Thank you for sharing your builds. I'm all for replacing gnome, and the extra apps sound good!

    Could you please describe the 3 available files for DL in your google drive shared folder?

    - Desktop141Release.iso
    - kali-1.0.6-xfce-i386-nonpae.iso
    - kali-lxde-1.0.6.iso
    Kali Linux USB Installation using LinuxLive USB Creator
    Howto Install HDD Kali on a USB Key
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  4. #4
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    Hi Quest,

    You are welcome, Have you tried them? I thought I'd post em since probably other people could find it useful too.
    Originally I was just to make a cd and delete it. But then it 'hit' me! And idea to post it and share it.
    Reason being becouse some ask about iso on the forum already about non-gnome image.

    To answer your question now!
    - Desktop141Release.iso is a simplicity linux image, its a spin off of puppy linux with lxde and many useful apps preinstalled. Its Based on slacko puppy basically.
    It is not my iso but I put it in my shares incase my friend need to redownload it. Long story... Anyways, you can see simplicity on
    - kali-1.0.6-xfce-i386-nonpae.iso
    this is the original image I made for xfce4 till I got an idea some people would love also a lighter DE even for older pcs. Plus
    SOmethings I forgot to install like Openshot and Transmission [since I do alot of torrenting, oops] so I was like...
    ''Goddamnit'' And thus was born - kali-lxde-1.0.6.iso it's non-pae as well. Meaning it runs on old pcs and new.

    If you do not know what Pae on a distro means, check google for a better explenation, mine is this ; Pae enabled kernells
    are for extanded RAM above 4 gig. But if you need such Kernel, then you can ofcourse install it over the one on the iso.

    3 easy steps
    - install kali
    - open terminal type apt-get update, hit enter key and then type sudo apt-get install Your-kernel -y and hit enter key
    - reboot

    Replace -Your-kernel with the linux-image name...
    You can search for linux-image using apt like so ; sudo apt-cache search linux-image
    But makesure you pick the image and not a linux image header like I did once
    and then wonder why it didnt work !!!! You'll know what I mean if you read carefully
    the search results.

    On topic, Basically to sum it up about the images in my folder,,,
    they are the same but the lxde one has 2 extra apps + is even lighter on pc vs xfce4.
    My fav DE is after all lxde

    Enjoy, any questions?Comments?Suggestions?
    Please leave a reply!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    man, this is absolutely great! what I was hoping to see .. few minutes ago, after configuring every app and customizing every little detail with lxde in my kali, I tried to make lxde default for logins then boom--no more X, cant log in, cant do anything and I was like '**** I will have to do all that from start AGAIN'.. unbelievable I find your post now. so good. thanks a lot mate, downloading now

    I tried many different browsers, also tried using good old flashget too, but file fails at %99 no matter what I do.. Unable to download, had no luck buddy
    Last edited by g0tmi1k; 2014-04-01 at 08:49. Reason: Swearing

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by gokmen View Post
    man, this is absolutely great! what I was hoping to see .. few minutes ago, after configuring every app and customizing every little detail with lxde in my kali, I tried to make lxde default for logins then boom--no more X, cant log in, cant do anything and I was like '**** I will have to do all that from start AGAIN'.. unbelievable I find your post now. so good. thanks a lot mate, downloading now

    I tried many different browsers, also tried using good old flashget too, but file fails at %99 no matter what I do.. Unable to download, had no luck buddy

    Hi, I'm so glad you find this useful. Althought I'm so sorry you have a hard time downloading it. Seems to be working fine thought [[ I tried it on other pcs]]. BUT I'll reupload it somewhere else for you. Give me 2 hours ! If you see a new download link in the OP under the original links then you will know it's up and ready to try again for you Please, do leave a reply it worked for you this time !
    Thank you~
    Last edited by g0tmi1k; 2014-04-01 at 08:49. Reason: Swearing in QUote

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Yeah so strange, everytime I tried to download it failed at last mb.. but I had some free time today, so I reinstalled and customized it myself again.

    I will try to download your iso again for sure, thanks for reuploading. Its better to have it ready with LXDE next time than configuring again and again. Thanks.

  8. #8
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    LXDE is great!

    thanks for getting me interested. I much prefer this over gnome!

  9. #9
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    You are welcome ! I Just checked if anyone has problems with the downloads and seems to be alright. Glad I find you guys find it useful.
    Guess it wasn't Pointless after all !!!! I'm glad

    Quote Originally Posted by Flipper View Post
    thanks for getting me interested. I much prefer this over gnome!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    lost in space
    Not pointless indeed. Keep it coming. Some of us will wait for 1.0.7, so I for one, will be looking forward to your next releases. Thank you!
    Kali Linux USB Installation using LinuxLive USB Creator
    Howto Install HDD Kali on a USB Key
    Clean your laptop fan | basic knowledge

  11. #11
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    This OS is installed on my little laptop., as well. LXDE uses far less ram. Love it!

  12. #12
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    Stupid question but where do you guys get your themes for LXDE? I can't seem to find any good sites.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flipper View Post
    This OS is installed on my little laptop., as well. LXDE uses far less ram. Love it!

    Where can I get this?!? I love your setup

  14. #14
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  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flipper View Post
    What dependencies does this theme require? I'm assuming XFCE for one...

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