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Thread: Unable to capture 5GHz wireless N traffic in monitor mode

  1. #1
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    Unable to capture 5GHz wireless N traffic in monitor mode

    As the title says, I am unable to sniff packets coming from a 5GHz N network. I'm attempting to do this with an Alfa AWUS051NH. I am able to put the device into monitor mode just fine, however when I attempt to listen the data packets simply don't show up. I can see all of the control packets (Beacons, Clear to sends, Acks, etc.) however none of the data packets appear. I've tried kismet, airodump-ng (plus airmon-ng), and wireshark (putting the device into monitor mode manually beforehand) for sniffing, and they all have the exact same issue. Is this an issue with the device? The driver? Note that I'm able to sniff 2.4GHz networks and 5GHz A networks perfectly, this is only an issue with 5GHz N networks. Any ideas?

  2. #2
    As far as i knew N is on frequency of 2.4 Ghz , not 5 Ghz ( which is A ), corect me if i wrong but there is no N using 5ghz band so your device is working fine, i guess

  3. #3
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    802.11n supports operating in either the 2.4GHz or the 5GHz bands.

  4. #4
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    United States
    Quote Originally Posted by kcdtv View Post
    As far as i knew N is on frequency of 2.4 Ghz , not 5 Ghz ( which is A ), corect me if i wrong but there is no N using 5ghz band so your device is working fine, i guess
    I hate to correct you but actually both 2.4GHz and 5GHz use 802.11n. Actually, 2.4GHz uses b/g/n and 5GHz uses a/n/ac.

  5. #5
    .... I totally forgot about dual band chipsets, I have to modernize myself
    thanks for correcting me

  6. #6
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    I managed to get a hold of a TP-Link TL-WN821N and tried to capture 5GHz N traffic with it, still no luck. Does anyone have any idea why this would be? Is it possible that both adaptors just can't do this? Does anyone have a recommendation for an adaptor that would work?

  7. #7
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    The adaptor needs to support 5GHz.

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