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Thread: Where does crunch save it's newly created wordlists ?

  1. #1
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    Where does crunch save it's newly created wordlists ?

    i wanted to create a wordlist for a specific system i wanna try to fake login into , i used crunch to create the wordlist , i specified a specific an empty file using the O switch yet after the creation of the wordlist the file remained empty , i tried again this time , i specified a place again but i didnt create the file , the file wasnt at the specified directory also ! i searched for it using the locate command , after updating db of course , yet i wasnt able to find ly original list ...i searched online , all the resources says how to use the program but non says where does crunch save the created wordlists in kali linux , after extensive research i found that the creator acknowledged the bugs existence but nothing specific about where i might find my created wordlists , so anybody got any idea?

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by randvoo12 View Post
    i wanted to create a wordlist for a specific system i wanna try to fake login into , i used crunch to create the wordlist , i specified a specific an empty file using the O switch yet after the creation of the wordlist the file remained empty , i tried again this time , i specified a place again but i didnt create the file , the file wasnt at the specified directory also ! i searched for it using the locate command , after updating db of course , yet i wasnt able to find ly original list ...i searched online , all the resources says how to use the program but non says where does crunch save the created wordlists in kali linux , after extensive research i found that the creator acknowledged the bugs existence but nothing specific about where i might find my created wordlists , so anybody got any idea?
    I'm a complete noob on Linux but I'm learning everyday. Yesterday was my first day actually being able to use it. I used Crunch to crack my first WPA2 code yesterday and the code was 10 digits long! Anyhow, to answer your question, I had the same problem too. I used the -o filelocationhere and the file was nowhere to be found.

    I experimented around some and figured out what was wrong. If you click Computer you'll see in the left column Devices. Underneathe that you'll probably have two things listed as I do. I'm using an USB flashdrive so I have Kali Live listed. I also have windows on a different partition so I also have 308 GB Filesystem listed. Next to each you should see an icon with an uparrow with a line below it. I'm assuming this implies the device is loaded. Anyhow, when I unload my 308 GB Filesystem (by clicking the icon) and tried using the Crunch command again the file saves properly; but, if I load the 308 GB Filesystem, the file is nowhere to be found. I even tried using the Find command.

    So try unloading your GB Filesystem and retyping the command. Also, be sure you are using -o and not -O or -0 (it's a lowercase letter O).

    I hope this helps.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by randvoo12 View Post
    i wanted to create a wordlist for a specific system i wanna try to fake login into , i used crunch to create the wordlist , i specified a specific an empty file using the O switch yet after the creation of the wordlist the file remained empty , i tried again this time , i specified a place again but i didnt create the file , the file wasnt at the specified directory also ! i searched for it using the locate command , after updating db of course , yet i wasnt able to find ly original list ...i searched online , all the resources says how to use the program but non says where does crunch save the created wordlists in kali linux , after extensive research i found that the creator acknowledged the bugs existence but nothing specific about where i might find my created wordlists , so anybody got any idea?
    I hope to have understood the question, and if this "intervention" may be of help:
    in my kali1.06x32 fully update / upgrade crunch save the wordlist created in the directory chosen by me!

  4. #4
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    Please omit my description of going to Computer. The real problem was me using -O instead of -o.

    Try this basic command at your prompt.

    Crunch 3 3 123 -o /root/Desktop/happy.txt

    note: Make sure you use captial D in desktop and the O is lowercase.

    After you type in that command the file should pop up on your dekstop.

    I retried my own advice and I must have retyped the Crunch command correctly after disabling the Filesystem and concluded the Filesystem was the culprit. Anyhow, hope this helps.

  5. #5
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    If you specify the location, the default is the Root's home folder. go to Home folder, they are crunched in there.
    Where is the darn "any key" key?

  6. #6
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    Your problems might be that you put a Capital O or a Zero 0, or you did not add a dash. You want to add a -o (small letter). You can also write large dictionary files to a usb drive just add a space after the -o then enter the path to the drive. First get it to write to root. Then you can play around with other folders storage devices. You can also limit the size of the file blocks.

    Go here

    There is a part two to this just google a day with tape.

  7. #7
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    thanx for all of your answers , i found that the problem was using a capital O ,crunch generated the list but did not save them , nw everything is fine thnx

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