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Thread: Installing and updating packages also installing kali repo issues.

  1. #1
    Join Date

    Installing and updating packages also installing kali repo issues.

    Hi I've done tons of googling for a month now and still can't find any solution to this.
    So, a while ago, I installed Debian 7.2 wheezy through net install and build my system from there which work perfectly the speed is great installing downloading updating,etc all work normally not a single problem.
    Then I also install a number of different Linux OS including Kali Linux and they all work fine.
    All apt and aptitude command is perfect and I've never mess with the source.list file
    Recently, I reformat my computer and try to install Debian 7.4 and Kali through netinst but this time, it kept giving me the bad mirror archive. I change mirror many times but it still persist. Some times it would work but then stop midway during downloading. So finally, I go for a lxde live cd and install from there. everything works fine. I can access the internet through browser and such but the apt and aptitude command start to act weirly.
    The first problem I saw was that the speed is super low, it's calculating in B !! On all my old installation, it's never goes under 100kB
    On update, sometimes, it can't connect and give the Err: could not resolve http.......
    Sometimes, it's runs then stuck at waiting for header or at some percentage like 65 10 etc and continue or just stop there and shows the above errors.
    That problem happen with every OS of mine. Including Kali.
    So I try to change the source.list following the faqs but the problem is still there.
    What so weird is, a friend of my install Kali using the same USB with Kali that I used to install mine ( I lend it to him) at my house with the same wireless connection and he can use them with no trouble.
    So the OS is the same, the connection is the same, the source list is the same but why am I having this problem. Another thing is his laptop have some network issue, on all installer, either it's Debian or Kali, he can't connect to Wlan, on other live Linux distro, he still can't except for Porteus which base on Slackware and even on that, it sometimes have problem but now his Wlan is working perfectly in Kali.
    Also, on a side note, I've just change the adapter into a new one, a new provider, new adapter,... eveything ( I've just moved ) so maybe there's a problem with it although as I've mentioned above, my friend can use it normally.
    So, in conclude, here is what I need help with:
    Why is my netinst on both Kali and Debian act weird ?
    Why is my aptitude and apt act weird ?
    And finally how to solve them.
    This is kinda long to read and I'm sorry because I'm not really good with this and I'm not a native English speaker so if I made any mistakes, please forgive me.
    Hope you guys can help me solve this.
    Thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    "it kept giving me the bad mirror archive. I change mirror many times but it still " Same problem here. As a noob, trying to understand the consequences of not selecting a network mirror during install.

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