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Thread: Kali 10.6 Live Boot USB Persistence -update uprgrade and conf file save across boots

  1. #1
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    Kali 10.6 Live Boot USB Persistence -update uprgrade and conf file save across boots

    Kali 10.6 Live Boot USB Persistence -update uprgrade and conf file save across boots

    Is there any way to save updates,upgrades and system configurations i.e. interfaces etter.conf etc. in Kali 10.6 from a Live USB boot from a 16GB USB.?

    Its just a pain, reconfiguring everytime. Also isit possible to write a script to enable updates and upgrades on startup?

    Thanks alot guys. Big Help. I've seen a few similar posts with no replys. ....Lets do it this time

  2. #2
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    Google this page

    Kali Linux Live USB Install | Kali Linux Official Documentation

    If you cannot find it, come back here and post and one of the Musket Team members will write out a how to for you.

    If you have the usb already installed with a live distro we suggest you plug it into BT5 linux. Install gparted on BT5

    apt-get install gparted

    Then follow the steps outlined. You need to make a partition in ext4 with gparted and label it persistence then type the commands shown in a terminal window.You use BT5 because you need another linux operating system to work on your flashdrive as your flashdrive is locked during these processes.

    You will find a kali linux persistent flashdriver very robust and not easy to damage which is unlike BT5R3.

  3. #3
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    Thanks for the reply. Yes the Kali is already installed on the usb and boots in windows perfectly. I will try to add persistence like you mentioned...
    However, you did not mention whether updates and upgrades will save across boots?

    And you have any idea if it is possible to make a 'Live Kali USB' that is able to boot on both windows and mac i say, i have already perfectly mastered the windows boot, is the any way to add additional conf. files to enable a boot off a mac too? that wont mess with the windows boot? ....

  4. #4
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    We can only answer thru our experience so our advice might be technically incorrect and we hope others will correct us. That being said.
    Reference a persistence usb install
    1. We are using kali 1.05 due to issues with 1.06. These issues might be correctable we just got tired of playing with it. One noteable bug is the airodump-ng negative one issue.
    2. We have successfully updated kali 1.05 BUT when we tried to upgrade it, it crashed both our persistence usb install and our hardrive installs. This was a month or so ago. All we can say is that we have had no problem with the update.
    3. We know nothing about mac. Everytime we tried to help someone with a mac what, took us 5 minutes in XP or kali-linux took us hours in mac and/or it could not be done. And most of the operations were really simple things like installing drivers.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Thanks for the great reply yet again mmusket.....just a few more if you dont mind. thanks a bunch

    ...ok so....I have Kali 10.6 on a usb bootable in windows, if i install the kall-linux-all package, will the extra addition be saved to the usb? i have the full kali-linux-all package ready for usb boot?

    Or will i need to install the kali-linux-all package through persistance?

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