I'm new to Kali Linux, and these forums (so move this thread if you have to), but I'm having extreme wifi troubles. I have a raspberry pi, but no monitor to use it with and so the only way I can connect to it is over VNC. It's running Kali Linux ARM, and it's connected to my network via an ethernet cable. I have an Edimax EW-7811Un wifi dongle plugged into a USB port, and the blue light is flashing. I think this means that it's recieving a connection, but I can't be sure because whenever I unplug the ethernet cable it loses connection to SSH and VNC.
Some things that I've noticed are:
- In Kali Linux (Connection over VNC) it locates and connects to my wifi and shows no ethernet connection, this when the only internet it's getting is over ethernet
- Unplugging ethernet makes the connection lights on the pi turn off but the wifi dongle's light's still flash
- When I unplug ethernet and lost connection, it still shows a connection on my router's info page (It might just be not updating, but a few page refreshes and it's still there)
- I've had this problem across multiple OSes
Please post any ideas, tips, or tricks on what I can do, and any information you need I can post (just ask and I'll get it as soon as possible).