from the program option
Wireless interface : wlan0
wired interface :eth0
and here is the problem when i click connect it said
Validating authentication
Faild: Bad password
my password is right
dose anyone know how to fix it thanks
from the program option
Wireless interface : wlan0
wired interface :eth0
and here is the problem when i click connect it said
Validating authentication
Faild: Bad password
my password is right
dose anyone know how to fix it thanks
this is the fix you might do it every time you restart vmware
/etc/init.d/network-manager stop
update-rc.d network-manager disable
/etc/init.d/wicd restart
if this can possibly be of help && if your interface (result of iwconfig)is wlan0:
have you try to change to "type of key" in wicd>your wlan network> proprieties ?
thank you i already did what i see at the photo and didnt fix it tell i inter this command to make it work
/etc/init.d/network-manager stop
update-rc.d network-manager disable
/etc/init.d/wicd restart
i end up removing wicd because i have to do this everytime i restart
Wireless install
Step 1 :
apt-get install dkms linux-headers-$(uname -r)
Step 2 :
Download the latest version of the source file.
dpkg -i bcmwl-kernel-source_6.30.223.141+bdcom-0ubuntu2_amd64.deb
After the installation, the wireless APs will be detected and login.