Decided to use a FriendlyARM Mini 6410 Development Board I had to make a Pwnbox , Need a little help with getting Kali to run on it.
This is a fairly popular series of embedded development board running on 533 MHz Samsung S3C6410A ARM1176JZF-S
Detailed specs: http://www.friendlyarm.net/products/mini6410
Known OSs that are available to run are the following:
- Ubuntu
- Android
- Windows CE 6
- Qtopia Linux
However most are depreciated
I have gone through most of this website including the helpful ARM images section and customizing / chrooting into ARM images, however i am still lacking a clear path to build what i want to.
I am fairly decent with cross compiling and porting code and this kit does have a stable tool chain, however if someone with more experience with Kali could share their thoughts on this, we could try making a project or a workable image out of this ?
Currently trying with Armel, but unsure about both Rootfs and kernel compiling steps.
Looking for ideas, suggestions, small tutorials, step by steps etc. Will greatly appreciate any time you can give to this topic.