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Thread: Pyrit wont find any GPU's when in SLI, works perfect on a single card.

  1. #1
    Join Date

    Pyrit wont find any GPU's when in SLI, works perfect on a single card.

    I am trying to get my machine to use 2 GTX295's in SLI when running pyrit.

    I am running backtrack 5 r3 32bit, NVIDIA 680i SLI mobo, and the cards are matching BFG GTX 295 OC's, in fresh install of backtrack 5 r3 with the latest drivers from NVIDIA, CUDA toolkit 4.0.13.

    If I boot to Win7 they work in SLI perfectly. If I physically remove the second card from the machine and boot to Backtrack pyrit lists both of the GPU's. If I install the second card in SLI pyrit doesn't find any GPUS. I have tried older drivers to no avail, and several hours of internet searches came up with nothing useful.

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by mdenz3 View Post
    I am running backtrack 5 r3 32bit, NVIDIA 680i SLI mobo, and the cards are matching BFG GTX 295 OC's, in fresh install of backtrack 5 r3 with the latest drivers from NVIDIA, CUDA toolkit 4.0.13
    Seriously? Asking BT related question on Kali forum? Funny no one answered.. Nevertheless, given your driver installation went well,

    -xconfig --sli=on

    Reading helps too

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Well I would have posted this in the BT forums, but they are shutdown, so I can't.

    I will try that when I get home, Thank you.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    I tried what blackMORE suggested but the problem remains as before.

    The NVIDIA X Server Settings tool also only lists 2 of the GPU's when both both cards are installed.

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