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Thread: Wlan Switch-off Button turns off all Wlan cards, also Usb Wlan adapters

  1. #1
    Join Date

    Wlan Switch-off Button turns off all Wlan cards, also Usb Wlan adapters

    Hi guys,

    I'm running the latest Kali on a Sony Vaio NS***, after a little trying i encountered the following problem; by turning off the external Wlan switch, both of my adapters where unavailable ( internal an usb adapter). iwconfig still shows both adapters Wlan0 and Wlan1 however by clicking on the Network Symbol in the toolbar none can be choosen for etablishing a connection ( error: Wlan adapter powered off or not available)..

    Any ideas or sugestions???

    thanks a lot for your help..

  2. #2
    Join Date
    try iwconfig wlan0 up or iwconfig wlan1 up. That should turn it on. That way you can control which one you want to use it. iwconfig wlan down will turn it off.
    Last edited by dupek; 2014-07-02 at 01:11.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Quote Originally Posted by dupek View Post
    try iwconfig wlan0 up or iwconfig wlan1 up.
    Did you mean?
    ifconfig wlan0 up
    ifconfig wlan1 up
    Security always begins with personal responsibility. - quietman7

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Now you got me confuse. I use iwconfig for that, but I could be wrong.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Quote Originally Posted by dupek View Post
    Now you got me confuse. I use iwconfig for that, but I could be wrong.
    You're wrong.
    iwconfig --help
    Usage: iwconfig [interface]
                    interface essid {NNN|any|on|off}
                    interface mode {managed|ad-hoc|master|...}
                    interface freq N.NNN[k|M|G]
                    interface channel N
                    interface bit {N[k|M|G]|auto|fixed}
                    interface rate {N[k|M|G]|auto|fixed}
                    interface enc {NNNN-NNNN|off}
                    interface key {NNNN-NNNN|off}
                    interface power {period N|timeout N|saving N|off}
                    interface nickname NNN
                    interface nwid {NN|on|off}
                    interface ap {N|off|auto}
                    interface txpower {NmW|NdBm|off|auto}
                    interface sens N
                    interface retry {limit N|lifetime N}
                    interface rts {N|auto|fixed|off}
                    interface frag {N|auto|fixed|off}
                    interface modulation {11g|11a|CCK|OFDMg|...}
                    interface commit 
           Check man pages for more details.
    No up and down with iwconfig.
    Security always begins with personal responsibility. - quietman7

  6. #6
    Join Date
    We have notebooks where there is an internal wifi receiver(system) BUT we use a external AWUSO36H USB wifi reciever.

    We have the same problem you have on our Hp computers. To use any external or internal wifi with kali-linux you must get the internal wifi system working.

    1, Make sure the wireless system is turned on in your BIOS.

    2. Switch the internal wireless system ON with the manual button or switch.

    IF this doesnot turn on your ability to use your wireless with Kali-linux, you will have to install windows and dual boot kali-linux.

    Once windows is installed get your internal wireless working under windows. Once working restart and dual boot into linux. Never turn your wireless off with the manual switch. Now you can plug in an external wirless. If you switch off the internal wireless with the button or switch, turning the switch back on may not restore the wifi system. You may have to boot into windows, get your wifi working and then boot up kali-linux again. One notebook only requires the switch to be on, the other notebook requires the switch to be turned on under windows only. But once ON, you can boot into kali-linux. And as long as you do not manually turn the internal wifi system off you can cold boot straight into kali-linux.


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