I was creating bootable USB stick with persistent partition luks encrypted. I was going step by step by the guide on kali's website, but I had to do something else after
cryptsetup --verbose --verify-passphrase luksFormat /dev/sdb3
part. After some time, when I could proceed, I've wanted to start from the next step, but it appears that I con not do anything with my USB. It's mounting read-only and what ever I'm trying to do, it says that it's read only and there's nothing I can do about it. I've tried to luksRemove, to delete the partition in fdisk, or to luksRemoveKey and all that I came with is:
cryptsetup luksRemoveKey /dev/sdc2
Enter passphrase to be deleted:
This is the last keyslot. Device will become unusable after purging this key.
Are you sure? (Type uppercase yes): YES
Cannot wipe device /dev/sdc2.
cryptsetup luksFormat /dev/sdc2
This will overwrite data on /dev/sdc2 irrevocably.
Are you sure? (Type uppercase yes): YES
Device /dev/sdc2 doesn't exist or access denied.
Please help, I want my USB stick back.
Thank You in advance