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Thread: Grub installation error - Kali windows 8 on SSD drive Raid0

  1. #1
    Join Date

    Unhappy Grub installation error - Kali windows 8 on SSD drive Raid0


    I am trying to install the latest version of Kali on my MSI laptop.
    By default it had windows 8 (now 8.1) installed on 2 ssd drives put in RAID0 (also there was a 1TB hdd for data).
    I made some room on the raid0 for Kali, followed the procedure to install Kali x64 with EFI (with a USB stick).
    During the installation I put the partition for Kali in ext4, set it as bootable, mount it on /

    Everything goes well until it tries to install grub. I get a message saying that an error occurred while trying to install grub.

    I finished the installation without grub, rebooted on the USB-live and tried to manually install grub. But I only see my 2 SSDs as independent drives with no sign of any partition or RAID0.
    I dug a bit and it is shown that there is a RAID between those 2 discs (sda and sdb) but I cannot find it.
    (Also Gparted also sees 2 SSDs and no RAID).

    My description may be a bit... unclear, so if I need to detail something tell me.
    (FYI I did some research this forum and on other websites but nothing came up to help me solve my problem.)

    Thanks !

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Meanwhile I tried a dozen of How-To from various places to install Kali on dual-boot with Windows 8.1 but nothing good came out...

    I don't know if it is necessary but my laptop is a MSI GT70 (I say this because of this thread I just saw).
    It really bothers me because I had a previous version installed in Legacy boot and now I can't even go back to that...

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