I searched in Google, Kali documentation and bug issues docs, but I didn't fix it.
I looked for errors in BIOS settings, but nothing was interesting.
In syslog files are some Bugs (I saw ACPI bugs) and BIOS errors (reserved memory ecc..), and with lspci it can not identify my video card (AMD Radeon R7 N265 2 GB Dedicated VRAM), but I don't know how to post that files, because I can't mount the sda HDD (maybe NTFS driver are missing and I can't see the ext4 USB pen in Windows).
Maybe videocard driver issue, but what is the right driver to download?
PC: Acer Aspire E15
CPU: A8-7100 Quad-Core Turbo CORE 3.0 Ghz
Kali version: kali-linux-1.0.9-amd64
Kali installation: Live USB
I have found similar issues here, but I had not fix that issues:
https://forums.kali.org/showthread.p...ter-installing (but I have Amd Radeon R7)
Best regards.
PS Sorry for my bad english, and I hope I have posted a good thread.