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Thread: HID Keyboard Attack

  1. #1

    HID Keyboard Attack

    First of all Thank you Binky for your awesome work, and thank you support tilapia ;-) i'm beloadjoker

    so i tired this attack but not working, i think because the language is not english, so where can i edit the layout? or how this is working? what i need to edit?

    i made a screenshot you can see it here:

    and sorry for my bad english bros :/

    AND i tested nethunter on nexus 5 16 gb and on nexus 7 2012 32gb 3g tilapia and it is working nice otg and charging in same time is awesome

  2. #2
    Join Date

    Long time no talk. The keyboard only supports english scancodes for now but those can be changed with modifications to the in your /sdcard/files/modules/ folder.

    Glad it's all working out for you and no need to apologize for the english.

  3. #3
    Thank you Binky! i check

  4. #4

    Where i need to start? or where i can find any tutorial how to do this? or what i need to search in google to configure this attack for hungarian language/keyboard layout?
    Please help me bro

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