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Thread: installing Kali image on micro sim changes capacity reported

  1. #1
    Join Date

    installing Kali image on micro sim changes capacity reported

    After formatting and verifying a 32 GB SanDisk Ultra Micro disk I used win32diskmanager to install the KALI image. Upon completion the size is now 60 MB as opposed to 32 GB. This was sufficient to boot on a Raspberry Pi B+ but not enough room to install any of the tools.

    In my search I have not been successful in finding any solid clues.

    As I am new to Linux any help would be greatly appreciated.



  2. #2
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    Foghorn, I am currently having this issue too. Installed the ARM raspberry pi image and then tried to install the kali-linux-full package but like you it says I have no space. What I am going to do is install the 32bit ISO file to my 8GB microSD card and see what happens. I will let you know the results!


  3. #3
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    Foghorn, I have this problem as well I am trying a method that could fix our problem. I will post results!


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