I am having a problem creating a live USB with encrypted persistence that will work on a UEFI system. I have previously successfully followed the documentation to create a live USB with encrypted persistence that wasn't UEFI http://docs.kali.org/installation/ka...sb-persistence.
And I have also managed to follow documentation found in various places to create the live USB with dd and then add grubx64.efi to /EFI/Boot (as bootx64.efi is already in the folder) and then also add and configure grub.cfg
This results in Kali that is able to be booted from a USB on a UEFI system, however, I cannot seem to get it to persist. I wondered if this may be because the extra partition is encrypted and this needs to be set up in grub.cfg? When I boot into Kali, it does not ask me for the password for the encrypted partition, which did happen when I created the live USB with encrypted persistence that wasn't UEFI.
I can't see why Kali itself wouldn't persist if this was the only problem, however, as the actual image it is using for Kali from the USB is shown in this part of grub.cfg:
linuxefi /live/vmlinuz boot=live noconfig=sudo username=root hostname=kali persistence
initrdefi /live/initrd.img
which I am assuming is the same as the none UEFI USB? Though I have changed settings in Kali and then rebooted and they have reverted back to their defaults.
Also, when I boot into Kali on the UEFI system, if I go look at the folders on the computer, I can find the encrypted partition, type the password, and view the files, so it was created correctly, I think it is just not being accessed as part of the boot up along with the other partitions on the USB stick.
I am sorry if I have not worded that very well, but I can answer any confusion if people don't understand what I mean!
Thanks in advance,