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Thread: Alfa awus036nha

  1. #1
    Join Date

    Post Alfa awus036nha


    I am considering to buy the alfa AWUS036NHA NIC. I would like to use it in kali, and have allready seen some posts about it on this forum.
    I still have a few questions, that I would like to be answered about someone who owns the exactly same card l
    -Do you need to install any drivers in Kali to make the card work, or does it auto work when you just plug it in (with the default drivers)
    -Does the card work flawless with most aircrack operations (monitor mode, packet injection, grabbing traffic, deauthenticating client from a network)

    Thanks in advance for the information. If possible, can you attach some printscreens of any aircrack operations with the AWUS036NHA to support your answer.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    The AWUS036NHA has an atheros chipset which is supported in Kali, and also supports most of the attacks you mention, including AP mode.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    I own it. It works perfectly out of the box. Also capable of switching country codes/maxing out TX/using channels 12 & 13 like most Alfa cards. My Network Manager & airmon-ng tell me that it has a Ralink RT2870/3870 tho, not Atheros...

    Edit: Sorry, i was confusing it with my AWUS036NEH when i was talking about the chipset. My NHA is capable of everything you need, i've never been able to change the txpower on it for some reason tho. ]

    I should've realized i was thinking of the wrong card when i saw that i was disagreeing with muts lol
    Last edited by kpoeticg; 2014-11-24 at 23:24.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    i have nha and works fine so far.
    i made txpower 30 after reading this post:

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