Forgive me if this is common knowledge but i'm new to Kali and can't seem to find an answer in a search. I'm trying to install the linux-headers for the raspbery pi with tft support image that I downloaded from offensive security but am not finding any matches.
uname -r reports version 3.15.8
apt-cache search linux-headers only shows version 3.14 in the repositories.
my /etc/apt/sources.list contains:
deb kali main non-free contrib
deb kali/updates main contrib non-free
deb-src kali main non-free contrib
deb-src kali/updates main contrib non-free
and the cache search was done after an apt-get update.
I have found a few posts where people were looking for older headers and the answer was that only the latest versions are kept in the repo but since what i'm looking for seems to be newer, I wasn't sure if this release is not officially supported or if there is something else i'm missing.
Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!