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Thread: Kali Linux 3.18 Booting Problem on MAcBook Pro

  1. #1
    Join Date

    Kali Linux 3.18 Booting Problem on MAcBook Pro

    Kali Linux 1.1.0 (either new installation or updated from 3.14.0 to 3.18.0) cannot boot with the default options on MacBook Pro Retina and just hangs in the booting process! However It can boot with adding the limiting options of "noapic irqpoll acpi=force nr_cpus=1" to the booting’s process. Any idea how to fix this?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Quote Originally Posted by shahab View Post
    Kali Linux 1.1.0 (either new installation or updated from 3.14.0 to 3.18.0) cannot boot with the default options on MacBook Pro Retina and just hangs in the booting process! However It can boot with adding the limiting options of "noapic irqpoll acpi=force nr_cpus=1" to the booting’s process. Any idea how to fix this?
    same happens in i386, it hangs after the screen resolution change from text to graphic mode ... ???

  3. #3
    Do you get a black screen with just a cursor after gdm3 starts? If so do you have a Nvidia Card?
    try these:
    #When at black screen crtl + alt + f1
    #Login as root
    post your results
    Last edited by lillypad; 2015-02-20 at 15:30.

  4. #4
    If you follow the docs (, rEFInd won't install ext4 drivers by default as you don't already have a linux partition in place. Once you finish the setup you'll be booting via grub -- this is related to why you have to pass the nr_cpus=1 flag.

    It's better to boot via efi. To do so:

    1. Boot into OS X, mount your EFI partition and open the rEFInd folder.
    2. Make a folder called "drivers" in the root refind folder on your EFI partition
    3. From your downloaded copy of rEFInd, copy "ext4_x64.efi" into the drivers folder from step 2
    4. Reboot. You should now have a boot entry that bypasses grub in the rEFInd menu.

    Final clean up steps (optional)

    - Update your refind.conf with a manual stanza that points to your kali install
    - Hide other entries
    - Remove your grub partition as it's no longer needed.

    Documentation for the above steps is either in the refind.conf file and site, or on other forums.

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