Hi everyone,
Can you please mention any ethernet to usb adapters that you used successfully with nethunter?
Hi everyone,
Can you please mention any ethernet to usb adapters that you used successfully with nethunter?
I can only speak to the one i have that doesn't work. The Trendnet TU3-ETG USB3 -> Gbit adapter. I wasn't suprised tho. It works with most *nix, but i've tested it on a few random distros like 'Cyborg Hawk' that won't recognize it.
I'd expect the adapter that https://www.pwnieexpress.com/ sells to work with at least the 5/7's since that's the pwnpad and the pwnphone.
I can't believe they're still charging $1300 for the PwnPhone and $1100 for the PwnPad with Nethunter out. You can get a like new Nexus 7 from ebay/pawn shop for ~100 bux nowadays.