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Thread: Compatible ethernet to usb adapters ?

  1. #1
    Join Date

    Compatible ethernet to usb adapters ?

    Hi everyone,
    Can you please mention any ethernet to usb adapters that you used successfully with nethunter?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    I can only speak to the one i have that doesn't work. The Trendnet TU3-ETG USB3 -> Gbit adapter. I wasn't suprised tho. It works with most *nix, but i've tested it on a few random distros like 'Cyborg Hawk' that won't recognize it.
    I'd expect the adapter that sells to work with at least the 5/7's since that's the pwnpad and the pwnphone.

    I can't believe they're still charging $1300 for the PwnPhone and $1100 for the PwnPad with Nethunter out. You can get a like new Nexus 7 from ebay/pawn shop for ~100 bux nowadays.

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