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Thread: kernel hang

  1. #1
    Join Date

    kernel hang

    Has anyone else been experiencing random freezes since kernel 3.18? I'm running 1.0.9 with 3.14 kernel still on my laptop with no issues. I downloaded and did a fresh install of 1.10 on my PC and get constant yet random freezes. I've re-installed numerous times with my Radeon R7 260 and even tried my Nvidia 560ti with no luck. It ran fine under 1.0.9 with 3.14 but after doing a dist upgrade it all went south. Now I'm back to Winblows and trying out different distros , but so far none really compare to Kali. I'm almost to the point of putting BT5 back on.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    I also have this problem.
    one week I've been trying to figure out a solution, but unfortunately I was not given

  3. #3
    Join Date
    I may have something you can try that has worked for me. In my previous attempts to run the new kernel/version, my SATA settings in bios were set to IDE mode. It was like that due to old HDD's, I never switched it when i upgraded to SATA's. I switched it to AHCI and did a fresh install of Kali 1.1.0 and haven't had a problem since.

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