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Thread: Installing Persistent Kali to the 32 GB Flash Drive

  1. #1
    Join Date

    Question Installing Persistent Kali to the 32 GB Flash Drive

    Hello guys,

    I've tried to install the persistent Kali to the usb, so I could use the liveCD on one partition and store data on the other one. Yeah and that work... well, but I've got problems with Windows. I'd like to get a soluthion in case somebody already did that, so windows could see the necessary partition instead of the important kali one.

    Thanks for attention!

  2. #2

  3. #3
    Join Date
    That's very useful manual, but there is no a single word about Windows. There is nothing wrong about installing the Kali on a flash drive, the problem is - I want to use the left part of the USB drive for transfering files and Windows can't see that partition

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