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Thread: Question about wireless card AWUS036NHA, Alfa AWUS036H

  1. #1

    Unhappy Question about wireless card AWUS036NHA, Alfa AWUS036H

    I have Kali linux running on virtual box. My problem is that my wireless interfaces only work when they want.
    per example,
    Alfa AWUS036NHA , this one sometimes will freeze my terminal. It just won't work. Not sure why, not sure how to troubleshoot the problem either.
    Either way I bought Alfa AWUS036H , and everything was working fine, until now wash -i mon0 , just won't do anything.
    Am I not doing something right? do they need to be powered externally. I do not want to keep buying these items if they are going to quit working. Or it might be just a setting

    Thank you guys.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    United States
    Before you plug them in, run:
    airmon-ng check kill
    Now plug them in.

    This will kill all other networking services. Mine sometime does the same thing, but after I kill the services it usually works fine.

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