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Thread: Cant burn Raspberry Pi 2 kali-1.1.0-rpi2.img.xz to SD using Windows 8.1

  1. #1
    Join Date

    Cant burn Raspberry Pi 2 kali-1.1.0-rpi2.img.xz to SD using Windows 8.1

    Hello, First some basic information:

    I've been using the new Raspberry 2 1G for four months now. I am alright
    with Linux, but other than the NOOBS install for raspberry pi, I haven't installed
    anything from an SD Card. Plus the NOOBS d/l was a regular *.img file.

    I have followed all the directions to download kali-1.1.0-rpi2.img.xz and have
    checked the SHA Hashes and everything is fine, BUT

    I just cant figure how to burn the image on the SD card with the img.xz on the end!
    Nothing I have found addresses a .xz file and I have downloaded all the programs
    in the instructions I could find.

    Ive searched and I guess I am the only moron with this issue because I have
    been looking now for days and nothing... Could someone please help.

    Thank you!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Down Under
    A . xz is an archive. Extract it first and then image it on your SD card.

    7zip on Windows can extract it (cause you said you're using Windows)
    Last edited by staticn0de; 2015-04-15 at 20:34.
    chown -R us ./base

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Thanks so very much, that never crossed my mind.

    Just as you said, once extracted everything was fine and I can take it from here!

    I really appreciate the assistance!

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