Firstly I would like to say thank you to BinkyBear who helped me solve a problem with the bootkali & kalimenu to make some changes. I have been busy adding additional functionality to the NetHunter suite via an option 16 in the TUI menu. This works perfect, in addition I fixed what might be a localised bug (on my device) that causes the handset to reboot when using Ctrl-C in Kismet. I have also addressed an issue with the OnePlusOne phone that causes a crash reboot when you pull out the OTG cable without using the safe eject option. I will of course be sending my changes back via the Git.
I have now turned my concentration to the Android apk side and I would like to change some of the options in the "left pop-out" window, and of course for this I need access to the Nethunter apk source code. I assume it was developed in Android Studio / eclipse in java? Is the source code available? as I can't seem to find it on the Git. I am making the changes purely to suit my requirements and I could live without it however someone else may benefit :-)
I have been developing for the the Nexus 5, Nexus 7 and OnePlusOne just for your intrest,
If anyone knows of the apk source code please drop me a message.
Kind Regards