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Thread: TLP kernel modules not loading when installed using Software Add/Remove.

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  1. #1
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    TLP kernel modules not loading when installed using Software Add/Remove.


    I've installed Kali on my ThinkPad X1/2G and it's running suprisingly well.

    I'm trying to install TLP, the power management system, as instructed on the
    main website
    but I get the following output when I view the status of the battery...

    sudo tlp-stat -b
    +++ ThinkPad Extended Battery Functions
    tp-smapi   = inactive (kernel module 'tp_smapi' not installed)
    tpacpi-bat = inactive (kernel module 'acpi_call' not installed)
    As mentioned, I used the Software Manager to install the package
    by adding the developer website details to the /etc/apt/sources.list
    file. The Software manager indicates that the package has been
    installed but I can't seem to find it in the /lib/modules directories
    either. However, I haven't installed the last two packages,
    acpi-support-base & pm-utils, as I thought it didn't apply to my system.

    Anyone have similar problems or experience of this package?

    System: Lenovo ThinkPad X1/2G
    Kali: 1.1.0a
    TLP: 0.7

  2. #2
    Join Date

    Reinstalled the whole OS and selected wheezy as the disto version for TLP.
    Additionally, I installed the packages following the Without systemd section
    but still got the above not installed message.

  3. #3
    Join Date

    TLP don't work on sandybridge and newer systems.
    But another utility exists that may work.

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