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Thread: Processes have stopped and keep shutting down after fresh install

  1. #1
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    Processes have stopped and keep shutting down after fresh install

    After bricking my Nexus 6 on an install before, from not being patient... I have just successfully installed Nethunter, woohoo! But the problem is,

    Every time I turn the phone on, it keeps telling me:

    Unfortunately, Nfc service has stopped.
    Unfortunately, Phone has stopped.
    Unfortunately, the process has stopped.

    I keep hitting OK over and over until it reboots on its own...

    I can't go any deeper to resolve the issue because of these popups.

    Will anyone please tell me how to resolve this issue?

  2. #2
    I am using Nexus 6 too for only one week, but haven't encountered such issue like yours.

    Which way did you use to flash nethunter? I used windows installer to install nethunter and everything is working fine so far.

    I think you may need to find a way to restore your phone back to the factory first, and then use win installer to flash nethunter again..

  3. #3
    v1t43, did you ever resolve this? I have the same issue with the nexus 9. Nethunter 2.0

  4. #4
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    Processes have stopped and keep shutting down after fresh install

    Quote Originally Posted by OrangeJuice484 View Post
    v1t43, did you ever resolve this? I have the same issue with the nexus 9. Nethunter 2.0
    I have same issue on Nexus 9. error ( Unfortunately, Nfc Service has stopped and Unfortunately, Phone Service has stopped ) won't go away

  5. #5
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    Is this error after you installed on a new factory image?

  6. #6
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    Yes either following the windows installer process or installing manually both same results with nethunter 2.0 on nexus 9 lte. nethunter 1.22 on nexus 9 lte is fine.

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