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Thread: Effective Wifi scan for nearby devices in term for without putting into monitor mode

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    Effective Wifi scan for nearby devices in term for without putting into monitor mode

    iw list doesn't effectively scan for devices nearby as it doesn't run for much longer than a couple seconds. So I used zsh's repeat command to run it 30 times before displaying output.
    I don't want to be put into monitor mode every time I want to get an updated list of nearby devices via wlan so I made this:

    echo ""
    echo "### zsh required! ###"
    echo ""
    echo "Turning Power Management off..."
    ifconfig wlan0 down
    sleep 1
    iwconfig wlan0 power off
    sleep 1
    ifconfig wlan0 up
    sleep 1
    echo "-------------------"
    echo "  Power Managment  "
    echo "    is now OFF     "
    echo "-------------------"
    sleep 3
    echo "==================================="
    echo "Here are your all your settings"
    echo "==================================="
    iw reg get
    echo "==================================="
    iwconfig wlan0
    echo "==================================="
    sleep 3
    sleep 1
    echo "Setting wlan0 channel to 11"
    echo "==================================="
    sleep 3
    iwconfig wlan0 channel 11
    echo -e -n '\033[?25l'
    repeat 30 iwlist wlan0 scan | \
    echo -ne 'Scanning wlan0... (Scanning For up to 30 Seconds)\r'
    iwlist wlan0 scan | grep 'Address:\|ESSID:\|Authentication\|Suites\|Mode\|Pairwise\|Ciphers\|Cipher\|Group\|Groups\\|802.11i' > aplog.txt
    sleep 0.5
    echo -ne 'Saving Nearby Access Details:  #####                     (33%)\r'
    sleep 0.5
    echo -ne 'Saving Nearby Access Details:  #############             (66%)\r'
    sleep 0.5
    echo -ne 'Saving Nearby Access Details:  #######################   (100%)\r'
    sleep 1
    echo -e '#### Saved in File aplog.txt ####'
    echo "Displaying Results..."
    sleep 5
    iwlist wlan0 scan | grep --color 'Address:\|ESSID:\|Authentication\|Suites\|Mode\|Pairwise\|Ciphers\|Cipher\|Group\|Groups\\|802.11i'
    You may ask why not use wicd or network-manager or even wicd-curses?
    Because I use a single board computer the has no display connected and only control it with ssh.

    why not wicd-cli or wicd-curses?

    wicd-cli doesnt show all information I need and wicd-curses has no log output function.
    Even if it did I don't want a network manager interfering with mana-toolkit and have to worry about conflictions.
    Last edited by destreza; 2015-06-22 at 19:36.

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