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Thread: Make Network Manager ignore wireless cards in Kali 2.0(fixes airmon-ng issues)

  1. #1
    Join Date

    Make Network Manager ignore wireless cards in Kali 2.0(fixes airmon-ng issues)

    To make Network Manager ignore your wireless cards in Kali 2.0 Sana which prevents Network Manager from interfering with Airmon-ng and other applications that create a monitor mode interface(I know that check kill also stops this issue but it also stops Network manager from managing your eth0 or other wired connections which can be a problem) this fix is very easy to implement as is also easy to reverse just follow the steps:

    1. Open /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf or command line $leafpad /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf

    2. Add the following to the bottom of the .conf file:

    unmanaged-devices=mac:<your wireless interface mac address here>

    If you have more then one wireless interface that you would like ignored just add a
    ; (semicolon) and repeat mac:<interface mac address> as follows for as many as your need.

    unmanaged-devices=mac:<your first interface mac here>;mac:<your second interface mac here>

    Note: you can also use:

    unmanaged-devices=interface-name:wlan0 or any interface you want ignored.

    P.S. Please comment any issues this process might cause i have not found any yet but i'm open to input.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sweet,this works for me.

    It will do till a perm fix hits the street.

    Much appreciated ShatStank.

    Awesome bro!

  3. #3
    nice and usefull information.
    network manager is also giving the same kinds of problems in ubuntuS since version 15.04 so that is a very usefull tip because it is a pain in the hass.
    shouldn't be too dificult to modify airmon-ng itself ,
    if nothing comes from Mr.X and aircrack-ng team I will try to do it one day, airmon is a bash script, nothing more...

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