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Thread: Help on note 3 international (9005)

  1. #1
    Join Date

    Question Help on note 3 international (9005)

    Hi folks.
    I am struggling on building nethunter for note 3. On official github wiki of nethunter the custom porting tutorial talks about exactly note 3. However the kernel example is outdated.
    There is an updated version of that kernel ( leankernel ) but i cannot get it to compile. ( kernel source ) ( porting tutorial )

    I am trying to build on my laptop Kali 2.0 32bit.
    Cloned the kernel source and toolchain but when i try to hit make clean or something i get a bunch of errors.

    What would be the correct steps/commands to do this.

    Thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    And finally i got it
    After trying on multiple distros i found that ubuntu 12 64 bit was the way to go. Make sure you install all prerequisites. I also had some little issues with 2 drivers but found fixes on google and corrected.
    Nethunter seems to be working pretty good on my note3 with modded leankernel. There are some little issues where it does not find scripts but i belive those are from nethunter
    I got rtl-sdr to work and awus036nh
    Long live Kali!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    BTW: use lk_defconfig ( and customize this one using menuconfig )

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Whats ROM are using, based on Cyanogenmod (CM) or Touchwiz(TW)? Can u upload the file for flash, and if u based on tw , can u port other kernel for cyanogenmod or help me pls? I very interested in porting Kali Nethunter to Note 3 internacional based on CM.

    And actually i stuck, when have the .config file, how to continue? The command make x_defconfig , have erros for no put the variant config... Maybe can help me in 5 min ...

    If u have free time pls contact with me for learn i new in that compiling kernels...-->
    [email protected]

    Oscar G.
    Last edited by Mr.M0NS73R; 2015-09-01 at 12:40.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Hi, The porting are u create is based on TW (Touchwiz) or CM (Cyanogenmod) , if u bases con CM, can upload the flasheable file?, if not anyway upload for other people, and can help me for porting for my self, i wanted learn, and i nos stuck when hace my .config how yo continue? Please contacto to me for mp , or mail [email protected].

    Ty so much, regards
    Oscar G.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    I can kill for this...can you share a tutorial or the file to flash? I'm using the amazing Temasek rom 5.1.1 and I'm trying to port Kali with no success...

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